Autoimmune Disease Consumes America

Andrea Beaudoin
3 min readJan 9, 2022

We are nothing but a speck, a small cell in something way bigger. Each human on Earth is a cell among other human cells.

But where are we going? How healthy is our immune system as a whole?

What is a good cell and which are diseased?

Some people are convinced their thoughts and opinions are the ultimate truth. They eagerly force themselves on others with no respect for different ways of existing. They do not consider what they don’t know, or how their knowledge is limited.

They turn on healthy cells in the system. When an immune system cannot find a balance and fights itself, disease emerges.

Humans suffer when other humans force themselves on others.

Such struggles have always been.

Some are bullies and insist on particular ways of doing things. They pressure other humans to follow along, but no one knows who is leading, or where they’re going.

Humans survived by cooperating. Cooperation has also led us to the Holocaust, countless genocides, and other great misuses of power.

Portions of people followed Nazi leaders during the Holocaust straight into accepting an evil mass psychosis. Intelligent people were led to agree to unimaginable events.

Horrible leaders with evil narratives gained control at times in history. Followers followed blindly and joined forces against certain types of chosen others. Some agenda is force-fed to the masses.

They followed along — hypnotized — focused on a single focus together. They form a mass.

Professor Mattias Desmet in this interview said that four conditions in our history have led humanity to a dark place, including all that occurred in Nazi Germany.

Conditions are similar to what is seen during Covid-19. These days, the unvaccinated are the targets.

People must follow the narrative, or be punished. People push their beliefs, and division is bred.

When we fight each other, our immunity is compromised.

This has always been how humans are divided by leaders with their own agendas.

We survived however possible.

Some are silent because those before us learned to play along — a struggle imprinted on our DNA. We played along even when it hurt or makes us sick.

The United States is guilty of forcing various agendas outside ourselves.

News organizations present us with a picture of these other places. We hear allegations about them, and accept what we’re told about various places and their leaders.

If you look into life in those foreign countries, the picture is different than you’ve been told.

This American is embarrassed I forced myself on others. Especially since I have my own struggles to worry about.

I am proud to be an American. We have freedom to share our thoughts. We speak up, fight wrongs, and think for ourselves.

Leaders are supposed to have a duty to respect others and guide their citizens. As the land of the free and the home of the brave, if that is not being done, America is supposed to speak up.

The world is watching. Many silenced, forcefully. Will we live up to our reputation?

Citizens look to this country with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to create and share our unique dreams.

America was born for such things.

We are self-proclaimed leaders of the free world. Being free has allowed us to expand our minds, create and share with others.

There is immense beauty in the silent and slower nature other cultures possess. There is beauty in various ways of being, yet at times people must also speak up to reach a higher existence.

Are you an American?

We’ve made mistakes in America, but we are able to show the wisdom we possess when we acknowledge and apologize for our mistakes.

The US is facing our own struggles now — disease — a common struggle for humanity. We’re focused on ourselves right here at home — inside our border. We are dealing with the self.

We must focus on ourselves — which ironically means we will change the world more than we did before.

We are watched by the world.

There is something beautiful about freedom. There is great danger in just complying with a narrative, or bullying others to comply with the status quo.

It’s easier to let others tell you how to think, and it’s hard to think for yourself.

We must know where we are being led — our entire future depends on it.

We must remember what it means to be American.

